Prairie Wind

Prairie Wind is a mature female intent on care for self and others, keen on emotional intelligence expressed thoughtfully.

She finds her delight in her Soul friends, Sacred Play, & Mother Earth. She is always following her highest truth guided by inner divine connection/ knowing, following her inner light with open hands.

Healing sessions -She offers 1:1 Shamanic Energy healing sessions. Sessions can be done remotely via video calls. Shamanic healing sessions help in guiding divine energies from higher dimensions for emotional/ mental/ physical well being. Anyone wishing for greater alignment in their life (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) which together affect our physical reality can benefit from these sessions in which she works with the client’s and her own divine teams of spirit guides.

Book your healing session by checking her available appointments here or please connect with her at

Prairie Wind’s Divine Mission & Purpose “I want to serve others because the better it gets, the better it gets and I wish to share this! My soul purpose is as a medicine woman, walking between the worlds as a connection point, and Gaia is my Mama, my nurturer, a true love I count on to have my back. I act now because I am at a point in my medicine woman training where I can make a difference, and again, the better we get, the better we all get.

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