Kelly Ingram

Kelly is a certified Reiki Master and Energy healer. She is a Clairvoyant , Clairsentient , Empath, Clairaudient, and Claircognizant – She feels that healing was her life’s purpose and the all her other gifts are to enhance her abilities as a healer. She feels that the 4 “clairs” enhance her healing abilities during her sessions with clients, providing clues to past, present and future, traumas, negative energy attachments, illness, etc. She wants to serve all ofhumanity , she feels passionately about serving the seniors who are often suffering due to isolation.


Services She offers both 1:1 Reiki healing sessions as well as group energy healing sessions. She charges  $60 per session for 1:1 deep healing sessions with her clients.

You can set up appointments with her via email at or texting at +1 502-706-1969.


Kelly’s Divine purpose and Mission statement

“Healing is my purpose, I have had a healing ability since I was a child. I just didn’t know it existed in this fashion. I have spent years going to school, learning mainstream medical modalities but was never satisfied. It took breaking my back in 4 places, experiencing life altering circumstances to allow for the time to discover that I was in fact a healer. I have only been practicing a few years but my gifts have come on strong and results have been profound! Our way of life and the shift that is happening on the planet is my driving force. There is so much pain, sadness and confusion. I want to help elevate people, raise the vibration of each soul I connect with and that will impact the Earth!

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